13 May 2010

Fenty Administration Launches (TOPS)

Fenty Administration Launches New Transportation On-Line Permitting System (TOPS)

Story at a Glance

•Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Director Gabe Klein announce the launch of the new District Transportation On-Line Permitting System (TOPS).

(Washington, DC) – Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Director Gabe Klein announce the launch of the new District Transportation On-Line Permitting System (TOPS). The new intuitive, online system enables home owners, tenants, and businesses alike to apply for the specific type of public space occupancy, construction, excavation, annual or rental permit required for use of the public space within the District of Columbia from home, from conveniently placed kiosks at local Metropolitan Police Department District offices or DDOT’s Public Space Permit Office at 1100 4th Street in southwest.

“This new state-of-the-art program will provide for a more transparent and enforceable public space program,” said Mayor Fenty. “In addition, it will save residents and contractors precious time by streamlining the application process and significantly decreasing the hours formally spent at the Public Permit Center.”

DDOT’s TOPS system allows the public to go on-line to apply for any available public space permit. Whether you need to occupy metered or unmetered curbside parking, sidewalk, alley or travel lane areas for your activity or construction related work.

Once registered, the system makes it easy for the user to log into an account any time to apply for a permit, edit an application, upload plans electronically, or check the status of an application.

“We are very excited to launch the TOPS system,” said DDOT Director Klein. “People can now go to any MPD station, apply for emergency or reserved parking signs and print them right there on spot. There may be no need to go to the Public Space Permit office. The system is designed to streamline the process and provide a more convenient process for the public.”

TOPS makes it easy to apply for the type of permit you want – just follow the prompts and instructions. When you finish entering the required information just click submit. Your permit application may be approved automatically or you may receive a tracking number which may be referenced later. If you are prompted for additional documentation during the process, the documents or plans may be uploaded electronically, or submitted in person to public space staff at the DDOT Public Space Permit Center located on the second floor at 1100 4th Street, SW.

The new on-line system also prompted a redesign of the current Emergency No Parking policies and distribution. Following the mandates of a 2006 City Council law that created both an “Emergency No Parking” sign and a “Reserved Parking” sign DDOT has redesigned and reformatted the template for these signs. The law specified information to be included on the signs and provided penalties for people posting signs improperly. Under this program DDOT issues temporary Emergency No Parking (ENP) permits for uses like construction and trash containers and Reserved Parking (RP) permits for short term uses like a mobile storage container, a moving truck or non-recurring events, such as weddings.

As part of the legislation, certain information must now be included on the signs, or penalties will be enforced for people posting signs improperly and for people defacing or removing valid signs. Historically “emergency no parking” signs could be purchased at hardware stores or even printed at home. This made enforcement of the signs and verification of the posting time consuming and difficult. The old version of the sign provided little or no contact information and the purpose of the posting was unclear, whether it is for utility or construction work, or a special event or moving truck. In addition, parking was often restricted longer than necessary.

The new signs will provide inspectors with a permit number, contact name, and exact posting information allowing for stricter and culpable enforcement.

TOPS is available on the DDOT website at www.ddot.dc.gov or directly at tops.ddot.dc.gov.

Information Required on all No Emergency Parking or Reserved Parking Signs

•Duration of the parking reservation or prohibition
•Hours of the parking reservation or prohibition
•Permit or Contract Number
•Date Posted and
•Contact name and telephone number
FINES: There are now fines for illegally posting or removing signs

•Failure to remove the sign after expiration: $25 per sign per day (+ cost of removal)
•Installation of unapproved sign: $100 per day per sign (+ cost of removal)
•Improperly removing an approved sign: $100 per sign per day sign was valid (+ cost of reproducing sign)
•Defacing or vandalizing an authorized sign: $100 per sign for the first offense; $200 per sign for the second offense; $400 per sign for the third and subsequent offenses