31 August 2010

New Voter Cards

Board of Elections and Ethics to Issue New Voter Cards
to Voters in Precincts 51, 52, 129 and 136
Due to Printing Error by an Outside Vendor, Wrong Ward Was Printed on Cards

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Board of Elections and Ethics today announced that it will be sending new voter cards to voters in four precincts before the primary election.
The Board recently issued new voter cards to every registered voter in the District. The cards are not required to vote, but were issued as a convenience for the voter and to improve the speed of check-in.

Due to an error by an outside vendor that misinterpreted data provided by the Board, the wrong Ward was printed on the cards for four precincts. The error affects 7,579 voters in Single Member Districts 3G01-4 (Precincts 51 and 52 in Ward 4), 6D01-2 (Precinct 129 in Ward 2) and 3C01 (Precinct 136 in Ward 1). The first digit of the Single Member District was printed on the card rather than the Ward.

“This was an error by an outside vendor and will not cause voters to have any problems at the polls,” said Executive Director Rokey W. Suleman II. “The information in our voter registration database is correct. We apologize for the confusion experienced by voters in these four precincts.”

New voter cards will be sent before the primary election. Voters may confirm their correct Ward by checking the online registration lookup at www.dcboee.org or call the Board of Elections and Ethics at 202-727-2525.

Northbound 90 & 92 Metrobuses

8th Street Bus Stop For Northbound 90 & 92 Metrobuses Moves To The North Side Of H Street
For Five Days Beginning Monday, August 30
The 8th Street N.E. bus stop for the northbound 90 and 92 Metrobuses – currently located on the east side of 8th Street just south of H Street – will be moved for five days to the east side of 8th Street just north of H Street.
Weather permitting, the move will take effect at 7:00 am Monday, August 30, and will continue through Friday, September 3.
The temporary bus stop move is necessary to accommodate construction of the sidewalk on the east corner of 8th Street south of H Street.
There will be no change in the 90 and 92 bus routes. The bus shelter at the permanent bus stop on the southeast side of 8th Street will not be moved. It will be protected during construction as the new sidewalk is built around it.
The sidewalk construction activity includes re-setting the curb, excavating the old sidewalk and preparing the surface, pouring and placing the exposed aggregate concrete for the new sidewalk, preparing the sidewalk site designated for decorative pavers, and placing the pavers.
On the southwest side of 8th Street, placing the pavers is the final step in completing the new sidewalk, and this is scheduled to be done on Monday, August 30. After that, the southbound 90 and 92 buses will resume use of the permanent bus stop on the southwest side of 8th Street. During the construction work, the stop was temporarily moved to the northwest corner of 8th and H Streets.
The work is part of the District Department of Transportation’s H Street Reconstruction Project. More information about the project is available on the DDOT website, http://ddot.dc.gov/DC/DDOT/ under the Ward 6 portion of the “Projects and Planning” section.

23 August 2010

DDOT Installing More Pedestrian Crosswalk Beacons

DDOT Installing More Pedestrian Crosswalk Beacons

New Flashing Lights at Uncontrolled Intersections Improve Pedestrian Safety

(Washington, DC) – Just in time for the start of the new school year, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is installing new warning beacons with flashing lights to help pedestrians of all ages safely cross four busy, and previously uncontrolled, intersections in the District.

DDOT is installing solar-powered rapid-flashing crosswalk beacons at the following locations:

Ward 1:

New Hampshire Ave. and Otis Place, NW (This location serves students who attend a nearby school on Georgia Avenue.)
Ward 3:

MacArthur Blvd. and U Street, NW. (This location serves pedestrians accessing nearby bus stops, a grocery store and other retail.)
Ward 8:

Alabama Ave. and 15th Place, SE (This location serves pedestrians walking to a new restaurant, as well as nearby housing, shopping center and bus stops.)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and Milwaukee Place, SE (This location serves children walking to and from a nearby school and utilizing nearby bus stops.)

The beacons are expected to be in place and operating next week.
The improvements at the two intersections near schools were funded through DDOT’s Safe Routes to School program, which works to make it safer for children to walk and bike to school.
Prior to entering the crosswalks, pedestrians push a button to activate the beacons. As seen in the photo above, the solar-powered beacons emit yellow LED light clusters that signal to approaching vehicles that pedestrians are waiting to cross the road at the crosswalk.

In 2008, DDOT installed the city’s first rapid-flashing crosswalk beacons at the intersection of Brentwood Road and 13th Street, NE. The use of the devices is a key recommendation of the District’s Pedestrian Master Plan and testing here and elsewhere has shown they are very effective. At locations with rapid-flashing crosswalk beacons, the percentage of drivers who yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk can be as high as 90%.

For more information about DDOT’s Pedestrian program please visit our website at ddot.dc.gov.

Q&A one day prior to the election



August 22, 2010

Contact: Alysoun McLaughlin, amclaughlin@dcboee.org

202-727-2511 (direct)/202-441-1121 (cell)

Board of Elections and Ethics Schedules

Press Briefings Prior to the September Primary Election

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Board of Elections and Ethics today released a schedule of press briefings to be held prior to the primary election on September 14, 2010.

Each briefing will consist of a short presentation and question-and-answer session. Individual interviews may be scheduled by appointment. Briefings will be held in the Board’s hearing room at 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 280 North on the following dates:

Wednesday, August 25, 10:30 a.m.

** public test of the voting equipment

Monday, August 30, 10:30 a.m.

** first day of early voting at 441 4th Street, N.W.

Thursday, September 2, 10:30 a.m.

** Q&A prior to the opening of satellite vote centers

Thursday, September 9, 10:30 a.m.

** Q&A prior to the last weekend of early voting

Monday, September 13, 10:30 a.m.

** Q&A one day prior to the election

In addition, a series of briefings will be scheduled throughout Election Day and until the results of the election are certified. Under District law, absentee and special ballots are included in the official results of the election but will not be counted for ten days after the election.

All events are open to the public. Individuals planning to attend should RSVP separately for each briefing to amclaughlin@dcboee.org.

Public Notice

"Public notice of a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. has been uploaded to our web site at www.dcboee.org. The purpose of the meeting is to reconsider the emergency and proposed rulemaking adopted on August 12, 2010, affecting 3 DCMR §§ 500.10, 513.2 and 517.2 clarifying the treatment of changes in party affiliation status within 30 days of an election. The emergency and proposed regulations can be found at http://www.dcregs.org/Gateway/NoticeHome.aspx?noticeid=478518.
As always, please let me know if you have any comments or questions.


The H Street construction contractor

Good evening, everyone….The H Street construction contractor, Capitol Paving of DC (CPDC) plans to start work tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug 24), weather permitting, to build the new sidewalk on the southwest side of 8th Street at the H Street intersection. Excavation and preparation of the surface for the new sidewalk is to be carried out tomorrow, and the exposed aggregate concrete for the new sidewalk is to be poured and placed the next day.
During the sidewalk construction period, the 8th Street bus stop for the southbound 90 and 92 Metrobuses – currently located on 8th Street just south of H Street beside the Foot Locker store – will be moved for three days to 8th Street just north of H Street beside the Bank of America building. The bus shelters at the permanent bus stop location on the south side of H Street will not be moved – the sidewalk will be built around them.
The temporary stop on the north side of H Street will be marked with a portable bus stop stand.
There will be no change in the bus route.
Weather permitting, the move will take effect at 7:00 am Tuesday, August 24, and will continue through Thursday, August 26. Notices were posted this afternoon at the permanent bus stop location on the south side of H Street and distributed to business establishments in the vicinity.
In other developments:
Ø CPDC today excavated the old sidewalk on the southeast side of 7th Street at the H Street intersection and prepared the surface for pouring and placing the concrete for the new sidewalk tomorrow.
Ø CPDC last week completed constructing the new sidewalk on the southwest side of 7th Street at the H Street intersection and worked today on preparing the designated site within the sidewalk for the placement of decorative pavers.
Ø CPDC began work last week, and is continuing work this week, on construction of the roadway surface in the south center lane of the 1200, 1100, and 1000 blocks.
The work is part of the District Department of Transportation’s H Street Reconstruction Project. More information about the project is available on the DDOT website, http://ddot.dc.gov/DC/DDOT/ under the Ward 6 portion of the “Projects and Planning” section.
Thank you for your patience. For more information or assistance, please call on us at any time.
Margaret Gentry
Community Relations Specialist
MACTEC Engineering & Consulting Inc.