31 August 2010

New Voter Cards

Board of Elections and Ethics to Issue New Voter Cards
to Voters in Precincts 51, 52, 129 and 136
Due to Printing Error by an Outside Vendor, Wrong Ward Was Printed on Cards

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Board of Elections and Ethics today announced that it will be sending new voter cards to voters in four precincts before the primary election.
The Board recently issued new voter cards to every registered voter in the District. The cards are not required to vote, but were issued as a convenience for the voter and to improve the speed of check-in.

Due to an error by an outside vendor that misinterpreted data provided by the Board, the wrong Ward was printed on the cards for four precincts. The error affects 7,579 voters in Single Member Districts 3G01-4 (Precincts 51 and 52 in Ward 4), 6D01-2 (Precinct 129 in Ward 2) and 3C01 (Precinct 136 in Ward 1). The first digit of the Single Member District was printed on the card rather than the Ward.

“This was an error by an outside vendor and will not cause voters to have any problems at the polls,” said Executive Director Rokey W. Suleman II. “The information in our voter registration database is correct. We apologize for the confusion experienced by voters in these four precincts.”

New voter cards will be sent before the primary election. Voters may confirm their correct Ward by checking the online registration lookup at www.dcboee.org or call the Board of Elections and Ethics at 202-727-2525.