30 October 2010

Good Citizens Keep Watch

Recently, media outlets have raised the public’s attention to an increasing, although
undefined, terrorist threat. International terrorist organizations have continued to demonstrate
their interest in conducting attacks in the U.S. Of concern for law enforcement is the possibility
that a lone individual who associates with or is inspired by extremist groups might try to stage an
attack. The threat picture we’re seeing shows an adversary that is evolving and adapting quickly,
and determined to strike us at home. We constantly remain on the alert and strive to keep the
public informed.

Fortunately, we are empowered to protect ourselves. First, as members of the community, we
are able to see things that are out of line from the norm, and then say something about it by calling
911 to report these suspicious actions and events. In many instances, it is very subtle observations
that can make the difference between interceding and stopping a dangerous act, or not.

Here are some unusual behaviors that could be indicators of terrorist planning.
• Surveillance. Are you aware of anyone recording or monitoring activities, taking notes,
using cameras, maps, binoculars, etc., in your neighborhood?

• Stockpiling Materials. Have you observed abandoned vehicles, stockpiling of
suspicious materials or trash, or persons loitering in your neighborhood?

• Suspicious Persons/Questioning. Are you aware of anyone who does not appear to
belong in your neighborhood or business?

Has anyone attempted to gain unusual information in person, by phone, mail, or email regarding your business or a facility nearby?

• Acquiring Supplies. Are you aware of anyone trying to improperly acquire explosives, weapons, ammunition, or other dangerous materials that could be used in a terrorist act?
To that end, as you go about your daily routine,
the Metropolitan Police Department asks that
you remain ever vigilant in your awareness of
the following: (1) others who are behaving in an
unusual way; (2) strange smells that seem out of
sorts [particularly chemical odors]; (3) the delivery
of odd looking packages, machines, and devices to
you or others around your home or business; and
(4) other out-of-the-ordinary actions you happen
to see.