08 February 2011

Daytime Restrictions Planned

Daytime Restrictions Planned At
10th & 11th Street Intersections on South Side of H Street NE
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced the following restrictions applying to the south side of H Street NE at the 10th Street and 11th Street intersections beginning Tuesday, February 8, 2011, weather permitting, to accommodate streetcar track work within these intersections. Detour signs will be posted, and flaggers will be on hand to assist motorists and pedestrians.
10th Street Intersection -- Tuesday & Wednesday, Feb 8 & 9
The south side of the H Street intersection with 10th Street will be closed to through traffic from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Tuesday, February 8, and from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm on Wednesday, February 9. The 700 block of 10th Street – this is the block just south of H Street – will be available only to local residential traffic; 10th Street is one-way south, and southbound motorists are encouraged to use 8th Street as an alternative.
On Tuesday, the contractor will prepare the intersection for pouring the concrete for the streetcar track slab. On Wednesday, the concrete will be poured for the streetcar track slab. [NOTE: If the Wednesday temperature is too cold to pour concrete, the work will be rescheduled on the next work day with suitable weather.]
11th Street Intersection – Thursday & Friday, Feb 10 & 11
The south side of the H Street intersection with 11th Street will be closed to through traffic from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Thursday, February 10, and from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm on Friday, February 11. The 700 block of 11th Street – this is the block just south of H Street – will be available only to local residential traffic.
Motorists are encouraged to use 13th Street as an alternative.

The work is part of DDOT’s H Street Reconstruction Project. More information about the project is available on the DDOT website, at dashboard.ddot.dc.gov under the Ward 6 Projects Link.